
are you looking for a Branding Agency that can help to take your business in wandsworth to the next level?...


We’ll start with a conversation and complimentary Brand Strategy Session

Have a Brand Brainstorming Strategy Session

Set the foundation for your new Brand Identity

Deliver to you a suite of guide and awareness boosting tools

Ready to give your brand a powerful identity?

Click here to get started with our Complimentary Brand Strategy Session

You’re not just another business owner in Greenwich; you’re unique, and your brand should reflect that.

At The TNG Branding Agency that is part of The TNG Designs Group Limited, we understand that branding is more than just a logo; it’s the essence of who you are and what you want to be known for as a business in Wandsworth. It’s also about standing out, connecting with your audience, and winning over your competition, doing that well and then hearing what other people are saying about you.


 Firstly, know that, the start of your new brand journey won’t be a complicated one as you’ll be guided along the way.

We need to understand the vision you have for your business or personal brand, so our process starts with a Brand Brainstorming Session tailored to your vision and business goals. We do a deep dive into understand your target audience, objectives, and values, ensuring that your brand resonates with your audience either in Wandsworth or further afield, and it’s at this point where we establish what sets you apart from the rest.

We’ll establish…

...who your audience actually is and what their annoyances as well as needs are.

...the ‘why’ and ‘objective’ of your business in Wandsworth (it might not sound like it but these are actually important as they’ll help to direct the outcome of your project).

...what your values are that help to steer your business in Wandsworth and determine what you want to be known for.

Ready to give your brand a powerful identity?

Click here to get started with our Complimentary Brand Strategy Session


Your guiding tools will be designed to do exactly that. Guide.

It’s at this point where I start to discover what you brand VOICE should be for your business in Wandsworth. Your Brand Identity Guiding Tools which include everything from logos and marketing materials to your brand’s tone of voice, will help you define your brand’s uniqueness and what you want to be known for as a business in Wandsworth.

We’ll establish…

...the form of your branded assets which include everything from your logo and flyers, posters and more through to your styling, fonts and colours.

...the 'Tone Of Voice' of your brand which will help to set you apart from other businesses in Wandsworth and further afield.

...the secrets of effective branding with your Brand Messaging what it is that you want to be known for as a business expert in Wandsworth.

Ready to give your brand a powerful identity?

Click here to get started with our Complimentary Brand Strategy Session


(A)quire the (R)eal (T)ruth behind who you are as a brand, to become authentically you.

This is where you’ll establish the secrets of effective branding with our Brand Messaging Discovery. As a business owner in Wandsworth I’m sure you’ll agree that being able to turn your audience into physical sales is key for any business to thrive, right? But did you know that to even get to that stage in the first place, being able to make better connections through core messaging as well as the guiding tools you share with the masses also plays a huge role in that too? Repetition = Reputation so the more you can be seen as the one who gives great knowledgeable value, the better.

We’ll establish…

...what your brand voice sounds like so that you can relay your tone though out your marketing materials and other guiding tools.

...how you can make better connections with an audience you actually want to work with.

...a core brand message that will not only set the tone of what you want to be known for in Wandsworth and further afield, but will also boost your brands awareness and ultimately your business growth too.

Ready to give your brand a powerful identity?

Click here to get started with our Complimentary Brand Strategy Session


How much does branding cost?

The long and short of this answer is that there is no set cost as everyone’s needs are different. It’s simply because you’re all at different stages of our journeys.

During our call I’ll get to understand your business a little more, establish what your needs are, figure out the strategy in which we can move forward and it won’t be until then that I can determine a price that is tailored to you.

What's a guiding tool?

This is a term that I use to describe any devise I design for you. This includes everything from your logo, stationery kits, social media or website assets to your messaging, understanding what your values are and more.

They’re all called guiding tools because that’s what they’ll be doing. They’ll be guiding your audience into wanting to come and work with you.

Can’t I just have a logo?

Hahaaa it’s an all too common question, and I don’t blame you for asking it, but no you can’t, well not when you work with me anyway.

As business owners especially when we’re starting out we always believe that that’s all we need simply because that’s all of what we believe we’re seeing out there in our industries. In actual fact that’s not the case at all.

You’re actually seeing a hell of a lot more than ‘just a logo’, but you don’t recognise it as anything else….yet.

What else do you do?

My areas of expertise cover a wide range of things and at times I work in partnership with some amazing talents that’ll all help you and your brand not only get visible but stay visible even more too.

These can include:

Branded stationery & celebratory invitations
Posters, banners & flyers
Brochures & booklets
Apparel labelling & merchandise
Signage & packaging
Social media assets
Art direction & videography (local only)
Google ads positioning

…..and so much more!

Aren’t logos and branding the same thing?

It’s a common mistake to think that but no they’re not.

Simply put, your logo is the face of your business and your brand is the flesh, the meat and the personality of your business. Now don’t get me wrong you still need your logo as it’s an important asset to have, but your brand is what will carry you a hell of a lot further.

What happens after I work with you?

Aside from my checking in on you after your project’s finished, I often invite my clients for a little interview with me which gets streamed to my private members only group called, The TNG Brand Hub over on Facebook. It’s FREE to join by the way so if you sign up today, you can check out a few of the interviews that have happened already.

What do I need messaging for I just want a logo!

As much as your logo is the face of your business, your messaging is the voice of your business.

You need your messaging to understand how you’re going to be speaking to your audience both physically and virtually. You also need your messaging to make those better connections. It’ll help you to build on your authoritative image, so that those who come across you recognise you as being the expert and specialist in your field.

Ready to give your brand a powerful identity?

Click here to get started with our Complimentary Brand Strategy Session